Basic Programming Tutorials

Pay Per Click

Welcome to the money making tutorials. We already covered Pay per impression ad networks to monetize your blog/websites. Today we will see how pay per click ad networks will let you to monetize your blogs. Let’s see what we will cover in this tutorial:

  • What is pay per click?
  • Pros of Pay per click.
  • Cons of Pay per click.
  • List of Pay per click ad networks.

If you have a blog to monetize, then this article will be very handy for you. In case you want to learn how to create a blog in 5 minutes, then learn from the best resources.

Pay Per Click – Definition

The cost per click is also known as Pay per click. The simple definition of pay per click is:

“It is an internet marketing method, where an advertiser will pay publisher a agreed amount when the ad is clicked”.

In short, it is a way of getting a visitor or buying visitors to your website. It is not an organic traffic at all.

Pros of Pay Per click

  • Target audience – With cost per click advertising, ads can be displayed in a specific city, state or nation. Because of it, bidding for specific keywords will be easier for the specific location.
  • Effective Result – The pay to click advertising will give you faster results. The normal website will take a year or two to rank well in a search result. It is a good option for a business, which are looking to make revenues at low costs.
  • Brand making – The PPC will create brand awareness as well. As a publisher you will not only send traffic to the respective brands. But every time a visitor of your website will get to see that brand ads Even though they will not click it.
  • No sale – If you are a publisher, then every click will earn you something. It doesn’t mean that you will do by yourself or your friends will do the same for you.

Must Read: Best Google Adsense alternatives for low and high traffic websites.

Cons of Pay Per Click

  • Fraud webmasters – Being a publisher, if you will do false click or ask your friends to do so. Then you will be banned from the respective Pay to click ad networks.
  • No guarantee – If you are an advertiser, then it’s not a guarantee that the visitor will buy the service or a product.
  • Requires SEO knowledge – You need to know about SEO for better cost per click campaign.
  • High bid – Advertisers need to bid high to come top of the others.

Pay Per Click – A list of ad networks

Media net


Super links 


Sovrn (lijit)

Yllix media






Tlv media




Matomy Media

Industry brains

Note: We will update the pay per click sites list. We can add new or remove the existing one, as per their reputation.

Must read: The best collection of the Pay per Impression for low and high traffic sites.


We have just covered the Pay Per Click, its pros and cons. The website that we have listed have good reputation. Still, we want our readers to do research, before joining them as a publisher.